No Cookies Mom!


I was in the grocery store with my 5 and 2 year old.  Right as you walked in the door, there was a table full of cookies for 10 cents each from the bakery.  They were sold in packages of 18.  This was a no brainer for this pregnant momma!  18 cookies for $1.80 baked from the bakery – I was in! 

There was only one question:  oatmeal raisin or chocolate chip?

To my utter amazement, when I asked my 5 year old which one I should choose, he said with all seriousness, “I don’t think we should buy cookies mom.” 


“We shouldn’t eat cookies mom.”

I was so shocked (my kids are human and like treats too!) that I put the cookies right back.  Isn’t it funny when the positive influence comes from the kids and not the moms?  It was a crowning moment in the grocery store (although I have still been thinking about those cookies!).