Have Patience

checkered-flagI needed to run to Target and my sweet hubby offered to watch the kids.  Wahoo – a trip to Target ALONE!  I haven’t done that for a long time!  I left the house at about 7:15 pm and I was tired, so I wanted to zip to Target, grab a few needed items, and then zip back home. 

But I took a right onto the main road and didn’t zip anywhere.  There apparently was an accident because all the cars were bumper to bumper.  It was too late to back up and choose another route.  Iwas stuck.  My evening of speed shopping without the kids was starting off very s-l-o-w-l-y.  Oh well.  There was nothing I could do so I just crawled along like all the other cars and sang along with my Chris Tomlin CD. 

After just one song, the traffic opened up and we were on our way, chugging along at 50 MPH like normal.  I learned a lesson in that moment.  Sometimes, it seems like we’re waiting forever for something but in reality, it’s just one song!  It was probably 4 minutes of delay – nothing to get excited or agitated over. 

How many times do we want to race through our to-do list or race through this whole “losing weight after baby” thing?  Yet reality says, “Be patient and hang in there!  It may take you longer than you thought to meet your goals, but don’t give up.  The answer is around the corner!”   

So if you get stuck in traffic any time soon, crank up the tunes and enjoy the ride!

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