No Cookies Mom!


I was in the grocery store with my 5 and 2 year old.  Right as you walked in the door, there was a table full of cookies for 10 cents each from the bakery.  They were sold in packages of 18.  This was a no brainer for this pregnant momma!  18 cookies for $1.80 baked from the bakery – I was in! 

There was only one question:  oatmeal raisin or chocolate chip?

To my utter amazement, when I asked my 5 year old which one I should choose, he said with all seriousness, “I don’t think we should buy cookies mom.” 


“We shouldn’t eat cookies mom.”

I was so shocked (my kids are human and like treats too!) that I put the cookies right back.  Isn’t it funny when the positive influence comes from the kids and not the moms?  It was a crowning moment in the grocery store (although I have still been thinking about those cookies!).

Guilt-Free Frozen Dessert

After meals, you may be craving something sweet.  But alas, no cake, ice cream or cookies can help you with weight loss.  Enter the frozen fruit.  Try eating frozen fruits for dessert.  Grapes, blueberries, strawberries and bananas are my favorite.  When you eat a frozen grape, imagine you’re having sorbet.  They are actually quite satisfying and fun to eat.  Put them in a pretty glass bowl with a mint leaf and it actually looks artistic. 

Bananas aren’t as pretty but they taste delicious frozen.  They really do!  Adjust your expectations of dessert and enjoy some frozen treats that are completely guilt-free! 

Today’s Action Step:  When you crave something sweet, reach for a frozen fruit. 


I’ll Diet…Tomorrow


It’s something we probably all do.  We promise ourselves we’ll skip snacking on cookies and chips, munching on celery sticks instead.  Of course this revolution of health will happen tomorrow.

Throughout December, we’ve had Christmas cookies around the home and parties to attend as you probably did also.  So for our New Years resolution, our family is cutting out sugar at home for the month of January and eating more vegetables instead.  At about 2:00 pm, I reached for the last rice krispy treat and popped it in my mouth with the thought, “I’ll do better tomorrow.”  Then I realized how procrastination robs of experiencing the best health possbile. 

Hot Tip for Moms:  Instead of saying, “I’ll start eating right tomorrow” when you blow it, think “I’ll eat right for the rest of the day TODAY.”  Start acting TODAY and don’t put off your weight loss any longer!

Don’t do this with chocolate


I bought lots of truffles and wrapped them up for our neighbors to invite them to a Christmas party.  The good news was I was  spreading good cheer and giving away chocolate (instead of buying boxes for myself).  The bad news is that I popped a lot of truffles in my mouth while I was wrapping them up.  Plus, having these chocolates on my kitchen island gave me an incredible urge to open one of the bags and dive in!

Hot Mom Tip:  If you’re going to give away something delicious to eat, wrap it in something you can’t see through, or put it away in your house so you won’t have to look at it.  Staring at freshly baked cookies or homemade breads all day will not help you with weight loss.